zwei Mädchen schauen sich an und haben einen Helm mit Sensoren auf dem Kopf

We play the future 

Digital transformation is already part of children’s daily life and will shape their lives even more so in the future. In the context of the pretend play impulses, children experience themselves as active agents, playfully exploring the potential of digital transformation.

At the heart of these play impulses is pretend play. No functioning technical devices are used or needed. These pretend play impulses enable learning through play in the area of digital technology, media and informatics, in a gender sensitive way, designed to appeal to both girls and boys.


Institute of Early Childhood Education 0 to 8 years

Lead Prof. Dr. Franziska Vogt 

Dr. Lena Hollenstein, Prof. Karine Müller

Duration September 2019 - December 2020

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Hollenstein, L. & Vogt, F. (2022) Kinder spielen im Kindergarten IT-Profis. Bildung Schweiz, 11/2022, 33

MINT Schweiz Digitale Transformation, Einblicke in geförderte Projekte 2019-2020 (Seite 31-34)

Hollenstein, L.; Thurnheer, S. & Vogt, F. (2022). Problem Solving and Digital Transformation: Acquiring Skills through Pretend Play in Kindergarten. Education Sciences, 12, 92.

Hollenstein, L., Thurnheer, S. & Vogt, F. (2022). Digitale Bildung mit analogen Freispielmaterialien: Bei jungen Kindern im So-tun-als-ob eine aktive Auseinandersetzung zu Themen der Digitalisierung anregen. FORUM Mitgliedermagazin des BVF, 105(1), 29-33.

Vogt, F. & Hollenstein L. (2021). Exploring digital transformation through pretend play in kindergarten. British Journal of Educational Technology.

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Pretend play impulses and videos

You have access to the documentation of eight pretend play impulses, detailing how to introduce and encourage pretend play around the theme of digital transformation. Tablet surface images and stickers (Microchips and Sensors) are available for download. Eight short videos provide insights into how children play and how a kindergarten teacher can guide the play. Videos are available in original language (German and Swiss German) and French


Remote video URL


Remote video URL

3D printer

Remote video URL
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Sekretariat Institut Frühe Bildung 0 bis 8
Manuela Zellweger

Pädagogische Hochschule St.Gallen
Hochschulgebäude Hadwig
Notkerstrasse 27
9000 St.Gallen

Opening hours

Montag bis Freitag
08.00 - 12.00 Uhr
13.30 - 17.00 Uhr


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