Data base

Find out more about our research activities: Our data base provides you with a variety of research projects and different results.


Multilingual reading aloud by the teacher in school and foreign language at secondary level I (MeVoL)

Multilingual reading aloud by the teacher (MeVoL) is an innovative teaching concept for multilingual reading promotion.

Institute for Language Teacher Education
Dr. Robert Hilbe

Competence-oriented practical training (KOMPRA)

The KOMPRA project focuses on promoting efficient, targeted and continual skills development.

Centre for Professional Studies

On-site Coaching in childcare centres and playgroups

A complementary training course on monitoring language development and encouraging parental involvement during day care will be offered.

Institute of Early Childhood Education 0 to 8 years
Prof. Dr. Franziska Vogt

Scholastic language acquisition during the transition phase from primary to secondary school (MSE)

From primary school level onwards, all pupils in Switzerland are taught a second national language, as well as English as a foreign language. 

Abgeschlossene Projekte
Prof. Dr. Christian Brühwiler

The Assessment of the Achievement of Basic Educational Competences (ÜGK/COFO/VECOF)

The ÜGK project constitutes the first performance assessment to be conducted across the Swiss compulsory education system.

Institute for Educational Assessment
Prof. Dr. Christian Brühwiler

Gender in day care centres

The project aims to make it easier for men to enter and remain in the childcare profession.

Institute of Early Childhood Education 0 to 8 years
Prof. Dr. Franziska Vogt

Improving opportunities for pupils transferring to secondary school – CHANSON

The CHANSON project aims to help children from low-income families transfer successfully from primary into secondary school.

Institute of Social Studies Education
Dr. Sonja Bischoff

Partner schools for profession development

To create a space for cooperative learning in which students and teachers can focus on advancing their professional skills.

Abgeschlossene Projekte

Quality assurance measures for learning support systems

The project team is tasked with providing scientific supervision for learning support systems in the cantons of St.Gallen and Zurich.

Institute for Educational Assessment
Prof. Dr. Jan Hochweber

The effects of teacher education on professional competences, lesson quality and pupil performance (WiL)

Set up as a longitudinal study, the WiL project follows up on the international TEDS-M teacher education study.

Abgeschlossene Projekte
Prof. Dr. Christian Brühwiler

This bilingual e-learning platform provides a highly effective means of learning about and analysing movement sequences.  

Institute of Physical Education, Sports and Health
Prof. Dominik Owassapian

dis donc! French teaching materials for grades 5 to 9 (ILZ)

The new French workbook dis donc! is based on the provisions and descriptions set forth in the Swiss curricular framework Lehrplan 21.

Institute for Language Teacher Education

Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)

PISA is conducted on a triennial basis, it assesses young people’s skills and knowledge in the areas of reading, mathematics and science.

Institute for Educational Assessment
Prof. Dr. Christian Brühwiler

GAPCo - Game-based Assessment of Physics Competencies

The project GAPCo is realizing an intelligent learning game in physics.

In-service education in plurilingualism and interculturality

The PHSG Institute for Language Teacher Education supports students and teachers who wish to investigate linguistic and cultural diversity.

Institute for Language Teacher Education
Prof. Wilfrid Kuster

Instructional sensitivity of test items in pedagogic-psychological diagnostics (InSe)

The project investigates how the instructional sensitivity of tests can be measured empirically.

Institute for Educational Assessment
Prof. Dr. Jan Hochweber