Promoting interdisciplinary skills in vocational education and training (D-ÜFK)

The project promotes the development of interdisciplinary skills through the establishment of beneficial cooperation in learning areas and learning venues.

In vocational schools, adequate assessment and evaluation of interdisciplinary skills are challenging tasks. In order to meet this challenge, the learning areas of general education, vocational education and training, and physical education/sports work together and make a joint effort to assess and foster these skills. The project encourages this form of cooperation that is facilitated by KOMPRA, a web tool for «»competence-oriented practical support». The tool has been devised to promote the continuous development of skills, reflection, and the enhancement and deepening of job-related interdisciplinary skills.

Institute Institute of Research on Teaching Profession and on Development of Competencies

Prof. Dr Samuel Krattenmacher
Dr Daniel Preckel (DBW Luzern)
Prof. Dr disc. pol. Pius Disler (PHLU)


Prof. Dr Samuel Krattenmacher
Han Sam Quach

Duration March 2019 — December 2020
Financing Staatssekretariat für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation (SBFI)
Project partners

Kanton Luzern, Dienststelle Berufs- und Weiterbildung
Pädagogische Hochschule Luzern
Kanton St.Gallen, Amt für Berufsbildung
Kanton Basel-Land, Bildungs- Kultur und Sportdirektion
Kanton Zürich, Bildungsdirektion
Kanton Tessin, Divisone della formazione professionale

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