«Online-supported assessment and promotion of reading skills for students with reading difficulties» (ODFL)

This project is carried out in cooperation between Heidelberg University of Education (Germany) and St.Gallen University of Teacher Education.

Based on a multiple baseline design (single case study), the project will investigate whether and to which degree of success an evidence-based program to build reading skills in small groups or in individual settings originally designed for manual use can also be applied in an online format. Specifically, the project will investigate the extent to which online (one-to-one) assistance provided by tutors (synchronously) can be successfully implemented using computer-based support programs for students with reading difficulties.

The project addresses several research desiderata: (1.) it expands the narrow evidence base on the effectiveness of computer-based reading support; (2.) it provides first hints (in the context of the Corona pandemic) on possible applications of computer-based reading support in distance education; (3.) it investigates possibilities of implementing computer-based reading support in the context of regular remedial education; (4.) it provides methodological hints on online-based assessment as well as learning progress assessment of students' reading skills.

Institute Educational Assessment

Dr. Valentin Unger (PHSG)

Prof. Dr. Cornelia Glaser (PHHD)


Prof. Dr. Cornelia Glaser (PHHD)

Dr. Valentin Unger (PHSG)

Prof. Dr. Jan Hochweber (PHSG)

Emilia Schander, M.Ed. (PHHD)

Christina Ingelfinger (PHHD)

Duration 1 April 2023 - 31 December 2022

Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg (D)

Pädagogische Hochschule St.Gallen


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