Learning from the Impact of Covid-19 on Educational Practice to Expedite Pedagogically Meaningful Digitization

The project examines the impact of Covid-19-related school closures and identifies lessons for further digitization of educational practice.

In 2020, schools across Switzerland were closed to contain the spread of Covid-19. There is an intense debate in the scientific community about the impact of Covid-19-related school closures. There are indications that students' achievement had declined or stagnated, and that mental health problems have increased. However, the experience of school closures can also be used to expedite digitization in education. The project therefore examines the effects of school closures in Switzerland and provides insights for further digitization in education. The findings will be made available to educational practitioners.

The project is part of the National Research Program 80 «Covid-19 in Society». The project is backed by an international advisory board.

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Institute Educational Assessment

Dr. Valentin Unger (PHSG)
Prof. Dr. Michael Kickmeier-Rust (PHSG)

Team Julian Brauchle (PHSG)
Cooperation Partners

Prof. Dr. Stephan Gerhard Huber (PHZG)
Prof. Dr. Christoph Helm (Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, A)

Duration March 01 2023 - February 28 2026
Financing Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF), NFP80

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