MELT: Multilingual reader’s theatre to promote reading motivation and reading fluency

Individual multilingualism and insufficient reading skills are topics of social relevance in the four countries of this EU project, focusing on the development of the didactic-methodological design «multilingual reader’s theatre».

It involves transforming literary texts into multilingual dialogue-based reading plays, depending on the country-specific practical context in a different language combination of the respective language of schooling/foreign and migration languages. These texts form the basis for the training of creative reading as well as the final performance of reader’s theatres. In Europe, the concept of using reader’s theatres in multiple languages and as a measure to promote reading skills is hardly known.

Institute Institute for Language Teacher Education

Prof. Dr. Ute Massler, PH Weingarten (overall project management)
Prof. Sabine Kutzelmann, PH St.Gallen (co-management)


Sabine Kutzelmann, Seraina Paul (PHSG), Kristina Goetz, Kerstin Theinert (PHW), Angelika Ilg, Franz Ludescher, Klaus Peter (PHV), Anne-Marie Antony, Robert Hendel (SCRIPT Luxembourg)

Duration 2015 to 2017
Financing European Union (Erasmus+)
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  • Ilg, A.; Kutzelmann, S.; Massler, U.; Peter, K.; Theinert, K. (2016). Dramenpädagogische Elemente im Leseförderprojekt «Mehrsprachiges Lesetheater» (MELT). In: Scenario 2016/1 
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Sekretariat Institut Sprachliche und Literarische Bildung

Pädagogische Hochschule St.Gallen
Hochschulgebäude Hadwig
Notkerstrasse 27
9000 St.Gallen

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