Partner schools for profession development

By establishing partnerships with schools, the partner schools project creates a space for cooperative learning in which students and teachers can focus on advancing their professional skills. 

The students involved in this project complete all of their internships at the same partner school. This high degree of continuity is expected to lead to a stronger sense of cooperation between the students and the teachers with whom they work. It is also expected to encourage teachers to incorporate more theoretical knowledge into their practical teaching and to base their lessons more strongly on the academic needs of their pupils. These hypotheses are assessed at three intervals using quantitative online surveys, qualitative interviews and lesson observation.

Institute Institute of Research on Teaching Profession and on Development of Competencies

Professor Urban Fraefel (FHNW), overall project management
Professor Titus Guldimann (PHSG)


Professor Guido McCombie (PHSG)
Dr Sigrid Haunberger (FHNW)
Dr Mathias Mejeh (FHNW)
Professor Sebastian Jünger (FHNW)

Duration 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2016
Financing Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
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  • McCombie, G. & Guldimann, T. (in Vorb.). Höhere Professionalisierung dank mehr Kontinuität in der Berufspraktischen Ausbildung? Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt Partnerschulen für Professionsentwicklung.

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