Everyone can learn maths (Malka)

The purpose of mathematics lessons is to enable children to develop a sound understanding of numbers and calculation methods. One of the main goals in first grade is to advance beyond counting-based arithmetic. In second grade, the goal is to develop an understanding of multiplication.

This research project focuses on developing learning environments for these areas based on current findings from the fields of mathematics didactics and special needs education. 
It also seeks to measure how much children benefit from these learning environments, which it does by assessing the development progress of various pupils over the course of the school year.

Institute Institute for Research into Teaching and Learning

Professor Franziska Vogt (PHSG), Brigitte Hepberger (HfH Zürich), Professor Elisabeth Moser Opitz (University of Zurich), Professor Christine Streit (PH FHNW)


Marion Diener (PHZH), Jon Florin (PH FHNW), Andreas Hofmann-Villiger (PHSG), Delia Leuenberger (University of Zurich), Professor Barbara Ott (PHSG), Maria Wehren (University of Zurich)

Financing swissuniversities
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  • Vogt, F., Streit, C., Hepberger, B. & Moser Opitz, E. (2017). Fachdidaktik Mathematik * Lehr-Lernforschung * Sonderpädagogik in einem mehrperspektivischen Forschungsprojekt. In N. Lindauer, M. Schläpfer & P. Schmidiger. Die Fachdidaktiken und ihre disziplinären Bezüge. Dokumentation der Tagung Fachdidaktiken vom 19. Januar 2017.
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