Game-based Assessment of Physics Competencies


Particularly in the STEAM subjects, computer games might be a prime medium to explore, experiment, and to master challenges. The project GAPCo is realizing an intelligent learning game in physics and investigates how learning and forgetting process as well as misconceptions can be identified and, based on that, how learners can be provided with tailored learning experiences.

Computer games are an extraordinarily successful genre and a vital part of our digital society. At the same time, games – in all their variety – are a functional element in human learning. Utilizing digital games for educational purposes and specifically to motivate learners and generate rich and immersive learning environments appears a promising and up to date approach. Combining entertainment and effective learning, however, is not a trivial attempt. State of the art technologies, including methods from the field of artificial intelligence, may help tailoring learning and gaming experiences to exploit the full potential of digital games in education.

Objectives of the research project
Theoretical models and technologies that focus on the assessment of competencies and learning processes as well as the personalization of learning contents already exist. In the context of serious games, these technologies are implemented rather prototypically and are not broadly applied. A variety of relevant challenges in the context of learning, still, remain not sufficiently solved. This includes the identification of misconceptions and subsequent adequate pedagogical interventions via feedback or the adaptation of contents. Also, forgetting processes are challenging the theoretical models of smart educational adaptivity. This project aims at advancing existing conceptual, theoretical, and technological frameworks and to demonstrate their capabilities in the field of high school physics. 

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Institute Kompetenzdiagnostik
Head Prof. Dr. Michael Kickmeier-Rust
Team Katharina Richter
Cooperation partner University of Central Florida
Duration 1. März 2023 – 30. September 2026
Financing Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF)

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